How to Have a Stress-Free Week when you’re a Busy Stay-at-Home Mom

If you’re anything like me, you’re constantly juggling a million tasks – managing the household, working online or running a home-based business, and trying to squeeze in some ‘me-time’ and ‘family time’. It can get overwhelming, right? But what if I told you there’s a one simple strategy that can help you set yourself up for a stress-free week? The secret is a weekly…


Yes, you heard it right! A meeting with your family. It might sound formal, but it’s a game-changer. These meetings are all about setting clear expectations, planning for the week ahead, communicating each other’s needs, checking in with your family’s goals and ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Here’s how you can do it:

1. Choose a day that works for your family

The best time for these meetings is when everyone is relaxed and open to discussion. In our family, we prefer Friday nights or Saturday mornings. It’s the perfect time as we’re all easing into the weekend. But you can choose any day that works for you and your family. When my son was still little, we usually had our family prep meeting on Thursdays. Whatever works for you and your family is the best option 😉

1. Choose a day that works for your family

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